The religious icons; Christ, the Buddha, etc., went deep within themselves and found something quite remarkable, then advised their followers to do the same.
"Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old, seek what they sought (Matsuo Basho)
But something happened along the way; and these icons became articles of worship instead of teachers. Then their followers became idolaters instead of enlightened beings. This explains a lot about the tragedies that followed - the religious wars and sectarian strife that justifies the condemnation that religion is the cause of human strife, rather than the solution.
To discover the truth about contemporary society, and whether it would rather idolize a savior than transform itself as its saviors have done, we must approach the problem with an open mind. When we approach problems with ideology or hardened opinions, we only utilize a fraction of the facts that are available.
"Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old, seek what they sought (Matsuo Basho)
But something happened along the way; and these icons became articles of worship instead of teachers. Then their followers became idolaters instead of enlightened beings. This explains a lot about the tragedies that followed - the religious wars and sectarian strife that justifies the condemnation that religion is the cause of human strife, rather than the solution.
To discover the truth about contemporary society, and whether it would rather idolize a savior than transform itself as its saviors have done, we must approach the problem with an open mind. When we approach problems with ideology or hardened opinions, we only utilize a fraction of the facts that are available.